Make jewelry and make money

by Anita

A friend of mine makes and sells jewelry. She started off by making a few things for herself and her daughters. Then friends saw the things she was making and wanted her to make things for them.

Over time she got better and better and came up with more creative ideas for things to sell. Now she makes a whole range of necklaces and earrings. Some are one of a kind items, others are part of a set.

Then someone asked her to make a keyring, so those got added to her list. Then fridge magnets. Those are really easy to make and you have tons of things that you can put onto a magnet from clever remarks to nice sayings.

I'm going to visit some friends in Australia later this year so my friend is going to make me some keyrings to take as presents for the people I'm visiting. They make ideal gifts because they are small, light and easy to carry so they won't take up a lot of room in my suitcase.

If you're looking for a good home business idea then jewelry making is a good one. It doesn't take up a lot of room in your house. Just a small table and a few boxes and containers to keep your tools and materials in. My friend and I are now working on making an online shop so that she can sell her products by mail order. At the moment she does craft fairs and home parties to sell her products and is beginning to make some regular money.

She doesn't limit herself to her own ideas. When she's at a craft fair or home party she will take orders for things that people want made for them. She can then expand a single item into a whole set. This in turn gives her more ideas for other things that she can make.

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